Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Behind The Music

It can be said that Beats In Space - a weekly podcast/wnyu broadcast, hosted by the beat-monger, and international DJ/sound-wizard Tim Sweeney - is the spot to go for the heady shit. That's why we were excited to hear new jams from local artists Etbonz and Suzanne Kraft on a recent episode (also check out a great write-up on Etbonz and a stellar mix of his on Ecstasy). Perhaps more exciting is how Mr Sweeney came across the Etbonz 7"... On a recent west coast jaunt, the Sween-ster stopped by the rose city to drop hours of tracks from his unfuckwithable collection at Groove Suite. Needless to say, memory of such an intoxicating dance experience has acquired a certain haze over time. However, it was the summer day record-store-crawl that preceded Mr Sweeney's epic DJ set that might have longer lasting impact for Portland. Sweeney was originally booked by dj extraordinaire and sadly soon to be California resident, Matthew Quiet for Matthew's birthday, which was the night of the show. They spent the afternoon before the show visiting a few of the many great record selling establishments, including one of our favorite Portland record shops - Clinton Street Records. There, one half of the ownership, Jared aka Maxx Bass, gave Mr Sweeney said Etbonz 7" which was released to accompany the 5th installment of I Want You quarterly magazine… behind the music.

Speaking of Clinton Street Records. A recent trip netted Weewl The Pleasure Principal, Fleetwood Mac's Mystery to Me, The "Personal Jesus" single, and Screamadelica all for under $20. The latter has provided a nostalgic rekindling for the warmth of production found on an album which features production cameo credits from Andrew Weatherall (who is known for many things, including this fantastic Force Tracks mix, Hypercity) and Alex Patterson of the Orb. Below is the Orb’s stellar dub of “Higher Than the Sun” which can be found on their Remix Project Double CD Auntie Aubrey’s Excursions Beyond the Call of Duty

This story comes full circle with this exclusive Suzanne Kraft future-house harbinger brought to us straight from the source. Diego Herrera splits his time between Portland, Los Angeles, New York and the rest of the world. He performs as Suzanne Kraft and his upcoming Greenflash EP comes out on the bustling Running Back Records and will feature an array of songs, but not this one which can be found here.

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